Peppermint- There is nothing better than a fresh iced mint tea on a hot day, and peppermint is so easy to grow! Mint can actually take over a garden if it is too content, so we often suggest potting this herb. Hot mint tea after a big meal helps aid digestion and increases blood flow to deliver nutrients to your tissues.
Passion Vine- The leaves and stems of the passion vine, yes, the same vine that grows passion fruit, can be used to make a lovely tea that aids in relaxation and sleep. This tea is excellent if you tend to feel anxious or have trouble winding down at the end of a busy day. Passion vine also has aphrodisiac properties as it helps a person release stress that can get in the way of feeling sexy.
Thyme- Thyme is one of our favorite groundcovers as it grows quickly, has lovely flowers, and is a great herb to cook with, but did you know you can also use it as a tea? Drinking a Thyme tea with honey (lemon optional) is a powerful immune support at the first sign of a cold. It is especially lovely on a sore throat.